How to Create a Work From Home Routine
Like everyone else I'm working from home and I think it's really important to stay on schedule and stick to a routine. In the morning's I run for about a half an hour on my treadmill for cardio as well as some push ups and sit ups for strength exercises. My wife uses this really cool app called Centr for her exercise routine. We take vitamins and also make protein shakes before getting started with our day.
My working from home setup is a desktop Intel i7-7700K 4.2GHz with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB and 16GB DDR4 2400 Mhz Quad Channel RAM. My monitor is a 43" LG 4K for video editing. I also use my Macbook Pro laptop mainly for communications and meetings on Webex.
Because my role is in video production I've had to discover some creative ways to do visual storytelling from home. So a good example of that is a Duo enrollment video that I had to shoot for a major customer. The original plan was to shoot this video in the Duo video studio with our Blackmagic production gear. But fortunately we were able to film in our living room with some clever art direction. Also my wife Nancy is a filmmaker and actor so collaborated on producing the video so she was able to stand in as the User.
We mix it up as much as we can but we try to spend at least 2 hours outside every day. I'm also trying to teach my daughter piano so we spend about 45 minutes daily doing that as well. I know that when we get through this we'll probably have a newfound perspective on how to care for each other and be kinder than necessary. Stay safe and stay healthy. Peace!